How To Become a Master Connector in 10 Minutes

4 min readOct 19, 2017

I’m not what you would consider a smart man.

In fact, I often find myself to be rather dumb.

I make dumb mistakes. I sometimes don’t learn from these mistakes.

Sometimes, I’m not even bloody aware of them!

But if there’s one thing I’ve taken notice of over the last few years, it’s the value of your network — not just in terms of what they can bring to you, but what you can bring to them, too.

This giving nature (master connecting, if you will) is adhered to by some of the smartest folk I know. People like Teresa de Grosbois, Jayson Gaignard, Dorie Clark, John Corcoran, Sol Orwell, and Scott Oldford all place a lot of emphasis on their network.

And they don’t hold on to it, unwilling to let others in.

They introduce folk to one another. They connected each other.

As such, the love spreads and spreads.

I like to think at the very least, this makes the world a better place. But the fact is, it provides good business sense, too.

Over the last few days, I’ve talked about how we know everyone but don’t “know” anyone. We’re connected but not, and this little exercise puts a stop to it.

It helps you to better know those you know. It helps them to better know you. It provides you some ‘inner’ brownie points.

Is it a long-game approach?

Does that mean it’s worthless?
Hell no!

In as little as 10 minutes each week, you can become your own version of a master connector.

This is how:

STEP #1:
Pick a day that you will perform this exercise each week.

It doesn’t matter what day of the week you do this (or what time), but I suggest you choose ONE and then add a recurring event in your calendar.

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STEP #2:
Each week, highlight ONE person you would like to help.

This could be a friend, colleague, mentor, customer, or someone you don’t know well, but would like to know better. Go through your connections and highlight ONE person you would like to help.

Search your Facebook friends.

Hell, take note of people working on something new, and consider if you know someone who could help them (or at least, who they should know)

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STEP #3:
Think about who this person NEEDS to know (who you already know)

Spend a few minutes thinking about what this person does, and what they are currently doing. Then, think about someone else you know who could help them (a connection-to-be that could add HUGE value to their life).

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STEP #4:
Send your first friend a message.

You now have two people you would like to connect with one another, but DO NOT do so without speaking to them both separately first. Send your first friend an email, asking if it’s okay if you connect them (stating why you think your second friend is a good fit).

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STEP #5:
Send your second friend a message.

Once your first friend has said it’s okay, reach out to your second friend and ask them if it’s okay to connect them both (stating why you think your first friend is a good fit, and what makes them a good connection).

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STEP #6:
Connect the two of them.

Include them both in the same email and:
<> Say hello to them both, and remind them that this is the introduction you mentioned in your previous message.
<> Introduce your first friend (this is where you write a short sentence introducing them, and who they are).
<> Introduce your second friend (this is where you write a short sentence introducing them, and who they are).
<> Finish the email by saying it’s over to them (your job is officially done).

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That’s it.

Do not try and manage this relationship.

Encourage them to talk and connect, and then leave them to it.

You can go forth, knowing you have done a selfless and amazing task :)

Now let’s say you do this once each week. Over the course of a year, that’s 52 potential new friendships you’ve created.

Not everyone will agree to be connected, of course, but in my experience most people say “sure, hook me up.”

And not everyone you connect will become besties.

But some will.
Some will do business with one another.
Some will become friends.
Some will share ideas.
Some will grab a coffee and be there for one another.

Who knows what will come of your connecting ways, but something good will, I’m sure.

On the surface, this doesn’t help you.
But in reality, it does.

Because when you connect people, they remember you.
They think fondly of you.
They reciprocate, and are there for you in the future.

It’s a simple yet powerful way to better get to know those you know.
AND… a great way to ensure your friends know one another.

10 minutes each week… that’s it.
I’ll admit, I don’t do this enough anymore.
But I need to.

It’s powerful shizzle, and it helps us better “know” those we know.




hi, i’m turndog... a writer/ghostwriter on a mission to ensure you escape the hustle — come be part of the [no hustle] movement →