I Bought into This “Freedom” Dream Too…

4 min readNov 10, 2017

When I was 19, I travelled to Australia.
I caught the travelling bug, and quickly dreamed a big dream.

I would travel.
I would not live in England.
I would not grow old here.

I’d nomad around, and see the globe.
So I did the uni thing.
I did the ‘work in America each summer’ thing.

I did the day-dreaming thing.

And if I hadn’t have become a father around five years ago, I don’t think I would be in England right now. I think I would have gone head first into minimalism and the gypsy lifestyle.

Me. My laptop. My work. Wherever there is wifi.

Now don’t get me wrong, this way of living is lovely.
I still want to travel and see this planet of ours.
I will do so, and spend my life experiencing other cultures.

That bit hasn’t changed.
But a lot has changed, when it comes to my thinking.
Because back then, I associated travelling with freedom.

To be free meant to be free of a location.
To be free meant the freedom to do what you want, when you want.

This isn’t freedom.
Right now, wherever you are and whoever you are, you are free.
At least, you can be.

Because you are living your life.
You get to choose.
And freedom is what you decide it is.

The only time when you’re not free is when you’re imprisoned or oppressed in some form. And if that is you right now, then that is another debate.

But assuming you are free to walk out the door and not be pushed into a box decided by another, then you are free.

At least, you can be.

Your freedom is different to mine.
My freedom is different to yours.

And this is perfect, because this is about us living the lives we wish to live. Our ONE life. 100%. Giving it our all, and doing our best.

Being free, and living our version of freedom.

Travelling the world isn’t this.
Living out of a backpack isn’t this.
Being homeless and without station, is not this.

It can be, of course.
If that’s what you want, live it.
Embrace it.

But don’t think you aren’t free if you happen to have a house or a family or a job. Don’t look to those who are living a life of so-called freedom, and wish you had it too.

Don’t long for it.
Don’t hate them for it.

If you want it, figure out a way to make it happen.
It may take time.
It may not be easy.
In fact, if you want it enough, it won’t be easy.

But if you don’t want it, it’s fine.
That isn’t freedom.
The only freedom that matters is what it means to you.

Today, I still want to see the world.
But I’m a dad.
I have a nearly five-year-old.
In a few months, we’ll have a little baby girl.
We have just moved into a house.

In short, I have a family.

And the way I used to dream of freedom and travel…
… well, it wouldn’t work for me anymore.

Because back then I was alone.
I did what I want, when I want.
At least, this is how the daydreams went.

But now… I’m not alone.
I’m part of a family, and I want to travel with them.
Sometimes, I’ll travel on my own.
(more often than not, when it’s to do with work)

Travelling looks very different today than it used to.
(for me)

And this is fine.
Because I no longer see travelling as freedom.
I don’t need to travel to be free.
In truth, I used to see travel as an escape.

I wanted to escape what I had.
I wanted to find something better.
I figured it would set me free.

I thought it was freedom.

Not any more.
I’m free today.

I’m sat in a chair, in my place, with my laptop, awaiting my family to come home, and I am free. This is my freedom.

This is my life; the only one I will ever have.

So if you look to another, or imagine a future version of you that looks nothing like the version of you today, in the hope of freedom… take a step back and have a deep breath.

Freedom doesn’t exist in that dream.
Freedom isn’t inside that yearning.

Freedom is what you make of it.
And then… it’s the simple act of you living it.




hi, i’m turndog... a writer/ghostwriter on a mission to ensure you escape the hustle — come be part of the [no hustle] movement → nohustle.co